Thursday, April 19, 2007

Credit Repair and Buying a Home

Credit Repair and Buying a Home

If you are considering buying a home - stop! Before you do anything else, get a copy of your credit report. You can obtain a free copy once each year from

Why get your credit report? Well the fact is that most credit reports contain erroneous information which, in some cases, may affect your credit score negatively. It is very important to check your credit report very carefully, and if you find errors, dispute them immediately with all three of the national credit bureaus. It can take 30 days or more to get erroneous items deleted from your credit history.

Your credit score is used to determine the rate of interest that you will pay for the mortgage. Erroneous or negative items listed on your credit report could bring that score down considerably, costing you thousands of dollars over the course of the mortgage. You can improve your credit score; however, it can take some time, so start early.

Credit repair and buying a home are definitely tied. Even if you think you have very good credit, be certain. Check your credit report because may people have been victims of identity theft, affecting their credit horribly, and they don't even know it.

So, before you start looking for a new home - get your credit report in shape.


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