Thursday, August 23, 2007

What the Credit Crisis Means for Borrowers

What the Credit Crisis Means for Borrowers

The current credit crisis is making it increasingly difficult to obtain credit if your credit score is below 700. While there are ways to improve your credit score, it does take some time.

A few of the best ways to improve your credit are to: 1. pay your bills on time every month; 2. don't use more than 30 percent of your available credit; 3. don't make credit applications that you don't really need; and 4. check your credit report for errors and dispute them immediately if you find any . Just remember, it will take many months to improve your credit score - you must be patient.

What if you don't have months to wait on that new home or car? Talk to a reputable credit repair agency for help. Often, they can help to take negative and erroneous items off your credit history to improve your score in a relatively short period of time.

Lexington Law Firm is one such agency that help you repair your credit - even if you have a bankruptcy on your history they can usually help.

Don't wait - if you have been denied credit or know that you have poor credit - let Lexington Law Firm help you today.
