Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Free Annual Credit Report

Fight identity theft, and also know where you stand with your credit by reviewing your credit report at least once each year. Go to AnnualCreditReport.com. This central site allows you to request a free credit file disclosure, more commonly known as a credit report, once every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. And it's free.

AnnualCreditReport.com is the official site to help consumers to obtain their free credit report. Once you have your three national reports, check each one carefully for clerical errors, omissions, and possible fraudulent activity. These type of negative entries may be easily disputed. Each of the credit reports will tell you exactly what to do in order to dispute an entry. Don't wait, order your free annual report today to check on your financial health.

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